Dolphin dies in the Gowanus Canal 2013

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Brooklyn, New York<br />
January 25, 2013<br />
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A dolphin dies trying to extricate itself from the heavily polluted Gowanus canal in Brooklyn. The canal is known for the high level of pollution caused by industrial and other wastes.<br />
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The 7 feet long dolphin periodically surfaced trying to snort away a dark goop.<br />
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Authorities were waiting to see whether the creature could escape on its own during the nighttime high tide. If not, police will decide whether to put divers into the water to help guide the wayward animal.<br />
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It is not unheard of for an aquatic mammal to be trapped in Brooklyn, but it is rare.<br />
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In 2007, a baby minke whale - immediately nicknamed Sludgie - was trapped in the narrow canal. It died before it could be coaxed to leave.<br />
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The area was once known for its factories and is generally regarded as one of the more polluted parts of the city. In 2010, it was named a federal Superfund site by the  Environmental Protection Agency meaning the government can force polluters to pay for its restoration.