Santa Cruz, California
June 16, 2013
Pruning organic pear trees is thought at University of California Santa Cruz by Orin Martin to students of the six-month apprenticeship program. He manages the Alan Chadwick Garden at UC Santa Cruz, where he is widely admired for his skills as a master orchardist, horticulturalist, and teacher.
The Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture is an educational program of the Center focusing on practical training in organic...
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Santa Cruz, California
June 16, 2013
Pruning organic pear trees is thought at University of California Santa Cruz by Orin Martin to students of the six-month apprenticeship program. He manages the Alan Chadwick Garden at UC Santa Cruz, where he is widely admired for his skills as a master orchardist, horticulturalist, and teacher.
The Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture is an educational program of the Center focusing on practical training in organic gardening and small-scale farming.
The six-month Apprenticeship offers instruction and daily work experience in organic gardening and farming, focusing on ecological interactions amongst plants, soils, climate, insects, and pathogens.
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