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US Economy in Crisis
Cleveland, Ohio
March 28, 2008
Once rumored to be the largest mall in the United States the Randell Park Mall is all but closed due to violence, bad maintanance, poor business, a the current mortgage crisis.
The vast cavernous atriums remain dark as a hand full of people roam the mall. Most of the shops remain dark and those few that are open sell jewelry to young rappers who come in to shop. Theft is common place for those shops that remain open but mostly the massive mall is closed down.
March 28, 2008
Once rumored to be the largest mall in the United States the Randell Park Mall is all but closed due to violence, bad maintanance, poor business, a the current mortgage crisis.
The vast cavernous atriums remain dark as a hand full of people roam the mall. Most of the shops remain dark and those few that are open sell jewelry to young rappers who come in to shop. Theft is common place for those shops that remain open but mostly the massive mall is closed down.